Hospital has installed latest Philips make Azurion3F12 model Cath Lab. Currently two cardiologists are associated with the hospital for intervention cardiology work. Cath Machine can perform range of cardiology intervention right from diagnostic Per Cutaneous Transluminal coronary angiography, (PTCA),Primary Angioplasty for Myocardial Infarction (PAMI), Pediatric Interventions, Structural Heart Interventions, Pace maker Implants, Electro Physiology and peripheral vascular procedures and interventions except Neurological work. Cath Lab is also loaded with Software for Stent Boost and Digital Subtracted Angiography. Stent Boost software enables enhanced visualization of stents in coronary vessels. It supports the cardiologist in placing and deploying stents. Excellent image quality and minimal radiation are the strengths of this machine.