What is cataract?

Cataract is the clouding of the natural lens of the eye, which lies behind the iris and the pupil. The disorder causes blurred vision or total loss of vision in people especially above 40 years of age. The disorder develops slowly due to protein build-up in the eye and may affect one or both eyes. Cataract may occur due to age factor or due to trauma to the eye (after an accident). It may also occur after birth or after an eye surgery, as a side-effect. The three types of cataracts are subcapsular cataract, nuclear cataract, and cortical cataract. Subcapsular cataract affects the back of the lens. Nuclear cataract starts from the nucleus of the eye, i.e. the deep central zone of the lens. And, cortical cataract is categorized by white wedge-like patches (opaque) that start from the edge of the lens and extend towards the center of the eye.
The medical team at MGM Hospital CBD uses state-of-the-art technologies and techniques to perform cataract surgery, including advanced intraocular lenses that can correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.
The medical team at MGM Hospital CBD offers a range of treatment options, including surgery, which involves removing the clouded lens and replacing it with an artificial lens.



If you seen any of the following symptoms, contact To MGM hospital to talk with a specialist:

  • Blurred or cloudy vision.
  • Faded eye color or reduced eye color.
  • Difficulty in night vision.
  • Double vision or multiple image formation in one eye.
  • Frequent eyeglass number change.
  • Any source of light may appear too bright.


The cataract causes factors identified by our healthcare experts:

  • Age: Lens degrades with age, and the process is accelerated due to diseases and infection.

  • Trauma or fatal accident which left the eye injured or affected.

  • Radiation: Exposure to UV radiations from sunlight, or X-rays etc. Radiations from microwave have also been found to affect eyes.

  • Diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, etc. which affect different body organs.

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption.

  • Prolonged use of corticosteroid medications.

  • Statin medicines used to reduce cholesterol.

  • An eye injury or inflammation.

  • Infection after a surgery.

  • Hormone replacement therapy.

  • High myopia.

  • Family history or genetic disorder.

  • Deficiency of Vitamin C.


Visit our hospital once if you want be out of at danger for cataracts:

  • Bleeding.
  • Inflammation.
  • Drooping eye.
  • Dislocation of the artificial lens.
  • Infection.
  • Loss of vision.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Retinal detachment.


Experts at MGM hospital provide a wealth of information and treatments on cataract prevention:

  • Quit smoking.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Use sunglasses.
  • Use steroid medicines, only when necessary.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis proccess describe by our specialist:
Starting of cataract is visible and can be confirmed through a comprehensive eye test which includes:... Visual sharpness test,Dilated retinal/eye exam,Tonometry.
MGM Hospital CBD's team of specialists may recommend one or more of these diagnostic procedures to accurately diagnose cataracts and develop an appropriate treatment plan for the patient.
MGM Hospital CBD provides various diagnostic procedures to evaluate patients with suspected cataracts, including:
• Visual acuity test
• Slit-lamp examination
• Tonometry
• Dilated eye exam


How is it treated?

The treatment process for cataracts at MGM Hospital CBD typically involves surgery, which is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. During the surgery, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). MGM Hospital CBD's team of expert eye doctors and specialists are committed to providing personalized and comprehensive care for patients with cataracts. They use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure safe and effective treatment, while also providing supportive care and rehabilitation services to help patients achieve the best possible outcomes.

Laser Cataract Procedure

An imaging device is placed over the eyes of the patient to measure the length, breadth, and the location of the cataract. The gathered information is sent to a special software computer that programs the laser for the required incision. The eye surgeon uses this laser to make a corneal incision and opening in the capsule. The energy from the laser is used to soften the cataract so that it can be easily removed. With the help of an ultrasound probe, the lens is broken into pieces and is suctioned out. The surgeon inserts an intraocular lens (IOL) in the eyes. There are different types of IOL lens that the surgeon can use in place of the patient’s natural lens, depending on the type needed:

Monofocal IOL

Used for distant vision. With this kind of lens, the patient might need corrective, or computer glasses post-surgery.

Multifocal IOL

Using this type of lens, the patient can perform day to day activities and they provide a clear vision. The patient does not need corrective glasses though he might see halos around light while driving.

Newer Multifocal IOL

This type of lens does not cause halos and minimizes glare. It comes in two types: Symfony and trifocal lens. Symfony lenses are used to treat distance and near vision, whereas trifocal lenses are implanted for near, distant, and intermediate vision.

Our Experts

Dr. Maithraee Kale

23 Years Experience

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