What is knee implant?

Knee replacement surgery replaces parts of injured or worn-out knee joints. The surgery can help ease pain and make the knee work better. During the surgery, damaged bone and cartilage are replaced with parts made of metal and plastic.
The medical team at MGM Hospital CBD offers a range of knee implant options, including traditional total knee replacement, partial knee replacement, and minimally invasive knee replacement. They work closely with each patient to determine the best approach based on their individual needs and preferences.
Our MGM hospital team of experienced orthopedic surgeons who are skilled in performing knee implant surgery using the latest technologies and techniques available.



Our healthcare provider can help determine the underlying of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options:

  • Knee pain.
  • Decrease in joint function.
  • Knee instability.
  • Swelling or stiffness in the knee joint.


I suggest contacting MGM hospital and speaking with a medical professional if you experience any of the following knee implant causes:

  • Infection of the wound: this is usually treated with antibiotics, but occasionally the wound can become deeply infected and require further surgery.
  • Unexpected bleeding into the knee joint.
  • ligament, artery or nerve damage in the area around the knee joint.
  • DVT :clots may form in the leg veins as a result of reduced movement in the leg during the first few weeks after surgery. They can be prevented by using special support stockings, starting to walk or exercise soon after surgery, and by using anticoagulant medicines.


In the MGM hospital in the CBD, there are numerous amenities for reducing the risk of tummy tucks:

  • Surgeons typically recommend blood-thinning medications to prevent this risk. The most common location for blood clots is in the leg. But they can travel to the lungs and become deadly.
  • Nerve damage:Nerves in the area where the implant is placed can be injured. Nerve damage can cause numbness, weakness and pain.
  • Infection:Infection can occur at the incision site or in the deeper tissue. Surgery is sometimes needed to treat an infection.


Prvention advices by our healthcare experties contact us by above number to get more information:

  • Make sure to avoid caffeine, alcohol, excessive sugar, and salt as they can all slow bone healing by depleting your body of nutrients.
  • Unless advised otherwise by your physician, try to get your nutrients from food rather than supplements because food helps the body absorb them better.

How is it diagnosed?

Details about our hospital's diagnosis: Physical examination, in which the doctor will assess the knee joint pain, function, symptoms, etc. A detailed discussion of family and medical history to determine the cause of the condition Diagnostic imaging tests such as X-ray, MRI, etc. are recommended to detect the extent of knee joint dysfunction.
MGM Hospital CBD's team of specialists may recommend one or more of these diagnostic procedures to accurately diagnose knee problems and plan for knee implant surgery.
MGM Hospital CBD provides various diagnostic procedures to evaluate patients who may require knee implant surgery, including:
• Physical examination
• Imaging tests
• Blood tests
• Electrocardiogram (ECG)


How is it treated?

MGM Hospital CBD's team of experts are committed to providing safe and effective care for patients undergoing knee implant surgery. They use the latest techniques and equipment to ensure the best possible outcomes, and work closely with patients to develop individualized treatment plans and support them throughout the entire process. MGM Hospital CBD has a team of experienced orthopedic surgeons who specialize in knee implant surgery. The treatment process for knee implant at MGM Hospital CBD typically involves the following steps:

Pre-operative evaluation

The patient is evaluated to determine if they are a suitable candidate for knee implant surgery. This may include physical examination, imaging tests, blood tests, and other assessments as needed.


The knee implant surgery is performed under general or regional anesthesia, and typically involves replacing the damaged knee joint with an artificial joint made of metal or plastic. The surgery typically takes a few hours, and patients may need to stay in the hospital for a few days afterward.

Post-operative care

After surgery, patients will be monitored in the hospital and given pain medication and other supportive care as needed. Physical therapy and rehabilitation may also be recommended to help patients regain mobility and strength in the knee joint.

Our Experts

Dr. Rahul Kadam

Orthopedic surgeon
17 Years Experience

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Dr. Ashok Ghodke

22 Years Experience

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Dr. Akshay Shah

Orthopedic surgeon

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