What is nasal septum deviation?

The nasal septum is the cartilage and bone in your nose. The septum divides the nasal cavity (inside your nose) into a right and left side. When the septum is off-center or leans to one side of the nasal cavity, it has “deviated.” Healthcare providers call this a deviated nasal septum.
Treatments for nasal septum deviation at MGM Hospital CBD may include medication to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms, or surgery to correct the position of the septum and improve breathing. The surgical procedure, known as septoplasty, is typically performed by an ENT specialist under general anesthesia and involves making small incisions in the nose to access and reposition the septum



Notify our hospital if you have any of the following symptoms following a nasal septum deviation:

  • Headaches or face pain.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Noisy breathing.
  • Nosebleeds.
  • Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses).
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Snoring.


Our medical staff at MGM hospital aids in diagnosing the following causes of nasal septum deviation:

  • Falls.

  • Car accidents.

  • Getting hit in the nose during an accident or fight.

  • A deviated septum may also be congenital, or present at birth. The deviation may be from a difficult birth or connective tissue disease.


The following hazards will be handled by our healthcare at our MGM hospital:

  • Driving without wearing seat belts.
  • Playing sports without protection to the face or nose.
  • Dry Mouth.
  • Congestion of nasal passage creating pressure inside the nose.
  • Disturbed sleep or sleep apnea.


Our hospital provides the following treatment for nasal septum deviation:

  • You can protect your nose by: Using a face mask or helmet during sports.

  • Wearing your seat belt.

  • Avoiding high-contact sports.

How is it diagnosed?

Our MGM healthcare physicians have extensive expertise identifying and treating nasal septal deviation with a variety of modern imaging technology and surgical methods, including: A healthcare provider will begin by asking questions about your symptoms. You may see a specialist, such as an ear, nose and throat (ENT) healthcare provider or a plastic surgeon. To diagnose nasal septum deviation, MGM Hospital CBD offers a range of diagnostic procedures. These may include:
• Physical examination
• Nasal endoscopy
• CT scan or MRI
• Allergy testing


How is it treated?

At MGM Hospital CBD, nasal septum deviation is treated by a team of expert ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialists. The treatment approach may vary depending on the severity of the deviation and the individual patient's needs and preferences.MGM Hospital CBD provides comprehensive care for nasal septum deviation, including diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing follow-up care. Patients can expect to receive personalized, expert care from a team of experienced ENT specialists.

The goal of the surgery is to improve nasal breathing by straightening the nasal septum and removing any obstructions.

Here are the general steps involved in a typical septoplasty:


The patient is given a general anesthesia to ensure they do not feel any pain during the surgery.


The surgeon makes an incision inside the nostril to access the nasal septum.

Removing obstructions

The surgeon will then remove any obstructions or excess tissues that are blocking the nasal passage.

Straightening the septum

The surgeon will then straighten the deviated septum by making small cuts and repositioning the cartilage and bone.


The incision is closed using sutures, and a nasal splint is placed inside the nostril to support the newly straightened septum.

Our Experts

Dr. Seemab A Khan

22 Years Experience

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ENT Surgeon

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