What is Angiography ?

Diagnostic under cardiology

Angiography is a medical imaging procedure that involves the use of X-rays or other imaging techniques to visualize blood vessels. It is a minimally invasive procedure that typically involves inserting a catheter into an artery and injecting a contrast dye to make the blood vessels visible on imaging scans.
At MGM Hospital CBD, angiography is performed by highly trained and experienced radiologists using state-of-the-art equipment to ensure accurate and safe diagnosis.



If you experience any of the following angiography symptoms, kindly reach out right away:

  • Pain or discomfort
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Warmth or flushing
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Allergic reaction


At MGM hospital CBD, we identify angiography risk factors and ultimately eliminate them in the following ways:

  • Kidney damage due to the dye – this is usually temporary.
  • A heart attack or stroke.
  • Damage to a blood vessel, causing internal bleeding – further surgery may be needed to repair the damage.
  • A serious allergic reaction to the dye (anaphylaxis), causing dizziness, breathing difficulties or loss of consciousness.


Our team takes the following precautions to avoid a angiography:

  • Follow Pre Operative instruction from consultant cardiologist .
  • Don't eat or drink anything after midnight before your angiogram.
  • Take all your medications to the hospital with you in their original bottles.
  • If you have diabetes, ask your doctor if you should take insulin or other oral medications before your angiogram.

Steps Of Angiography

  • Preparation: Before the procedure, the patient may be asked to avoid food and drink for a certain period of time. They may also be given a sedative to help them relax.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is used to numb the area where the catheter (a thin, flexible tube) will be inserted into the artery. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used.
  • Catheterization: The catheter is inserted into an artery, usually in the groin, and guided to the area being examined using X-ray or other imaging techniques.
  • Contrast dye injection: Once the catheter is in place, a contrast dye is injected through it into the blood vessels being studied. The dye makes the blood vessels visible on X-ray images.
  • Imaging: X-ray images are taken as the dye flows through the blood vessels. The radiologist or cardiologist may also use other imaging techniques, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to obtain more detailed images.
  • Catheter removal: Once the procedure is complete, the catheter is removed and pressure is applied to the insertion site to prevent bleeding.
  • Recovery: After the procedure, the patient is monitored for any complications and may need to lie flat for several hours to prevent bleeding. They may also be advised to avoid strenuous activity for a certain period of time.

What care should be taken after Angiography?

Follow your doctor's instructions: Your doctor will provide you with specific instructions to follow after your angiography. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully and ask any questions you may have.

Monitor for complications: While complications are rare, it's important to monitor for signs of complications, such as bleeding, infection, or pain at the injection site. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Rest and hydration: After an angiography, it's important to rest and drink plenty of fluids to help your body recover.

Avoid certain activities: You should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery for at least 24 hours after your angiography. You should also avoid strenuous activities for a few days after the procedure.

Watch your diet: You may be advised to avoid solid foods for a short period of time after your angiography. You may be advised to consume a liquid or soft food diet for a few days after the procedure.

Take medications as prescribed: If your doctor prescribes any medications after your angiography, be sure to take them as directed.

Follow up with your doctor: Be sure to attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your doctor to ensure that you are recovering well and to address any concerns or questions you may have.


Angiography is a type of X-ray used to check blood vessels. This highlights your blood vessels, allowing your doctor to see any problems. The X-ray images created during angiography are called angiograms.


An electrocardiogram records the electrical signals in the heart. It's a common and painless test used to quickly detect heart problems and monitor the heart's health.

Our Experts

Dr. Shilpa Kadam

22 Years Experience

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Dr. Rakesh Tirmale

15 Year Experience

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Dr. Dhammdeep

10 Years Experience

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